Reporting & document generation for Salesforce
Get the right reports and documents to the right people, at the right time. Build, format, automate and distribute reports and documents directly from your Salesforce data.

Trusted by

Advanced Report Builder
Design, run, and customize reports from any Salesforce object.

Dynamic Document Generation
Create branded documents in formats like PDF, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.

Seamless Scheduling
Automate report and document delivery with flexible scheduling options.

AI-Powered Insights & Summaries
Gain a deeper understanding of your data with AI-driven report analysis.

Connect Your Data Sources
Centralize your reporting across multiple data sources.

External Sharing
Share reports and dashboards securely with users outside Salesforce.

The #1 report-building solution for Salesforce
Unaric Reports takes your Salesforce reporting to the next level, with a versatile suite of features to help you get more value from your data.

“The perfect solution”
“We use the Report Builder to schedule multiple reports simultaneously. We're thrilled with their work, which costs significantly less than other avenues. It's the perfect solution to many of those pesky Salesforce limitations.”